Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The African Spray Tan

I wrote this earlier, but am just now able to post's about 11pm here...

It’s about 7pm here at the Center (orphanage), and I just got done playing a game that in America is like a mix of basketball, soccer, and football. I think it’s something the kids made up. I seriously turn into a big kid, and can get just as competitive as I used to when playing sports.  It’s so fun being here. I love spending time with the kids and feeling, even if for a moment, I live here with them.  I am COVERED in dirt. My feet seriously look like I got thee worst spray tan ever, but I love it. It’s what makes Africa…Africa. The red sand is staple here and goes with every outfit ;)

Today was a great day! We got a late start on our run, due to sleepy head here. Jon Ash, and I sat up last night watching “Life as We Know It” until about two am…so when the alarm was suppose to go off at 8:30, and I hit snooze a few too many times, it pushed our run to about 10am. It was SO hot and I’m not sure if I can go running that late again. Thank God for Ashley. She is just the best. She pushes me and talks to me and makes for an awesome running partner. I can honestly say I don’t think I have ever been on a run with Ashley without learning something. She is just a Godsend, and I couldn’t have done 6 miles in the heat today without her.

After our run, we quickly showered up to go check out a school a little ways away. Maman Ashley wants to look into enrolling one of our younger girls their due to some learning disabilities. This school has smaller classrooms and the teacher is supposedly really good.  The visit went well, but the moto ride was what we loved the most. It brings out lots of giggles when the two of us are on there and Ash is our driver. I fully trust her, but you just never know what you will see, hear or experience when “hitting the road” here in Africa. We saw tons of passerby’s with 15 gas cans attached to them while driving the moto, others with 5 people on them and a baby strapped to the back of the last person, and better yet there is usually a mama somewhere just breastfeeding her baby….with NO pride. We giggle at the thought of Ryan experiencing everything here and have been praying for his arrival.

When we arrived back home, we snagged a salad for lunch and headed to the Center. Once at the Center, I went with the kids to get their hair cut. It’s like a MILE or more away, and made for some hilarious conversation. They were so shocked to know that I had a “chocolat” brother. They thought it was just too funny. Those are the moments I cherish in the deepest parts of my heart. It was just us (me, Alice, Adjoke, Rosaline, Doussou, Hubert, Aldophe, and Hubertine), walking through the city, saying “hi” to everyone we passed, and my heart just felt home. I felt like I was with my family. The kids got their haircuts…I like to refer to it as the kids got their hair Bic’d, and I think the kid that cut their hair might have been about 11. Haha…It’s so fun to pick up on the differences from here and home. Oh and (Aunt Kelly will appreciate this) their haircut costs about $0.25….If only my hair cost a quarter to keep up with.

Thankfully the sun was going down on the walk home and it wasn’t SCOLDING hot. I love the heat, but man that was one hot walk to the barber! We sang songs like ‘You are my Sunshine”, and a few other French songs. I taught the kids part of “It’s always a good time” and JUST for Ryan…I attempted to teach them the “HAIL to the Victors” song. That boy better know I love him. Once we were back at the center, I busted out my computer and showed the kids the “Photo Booth” application on my computer. They were rolling!! It was hilarious!! A few rounds of Jenga and Skip-BO were played as well, followed by their made up (football/basketball/soccer) game.

It’s dark now, and about 7:30…dinner will be served, we will play and read some more, and continue to learn/grow together. I am so thankful to be here. Thank you to all of you who have prayed for my stay. All is well and your prayers, financial support and encouragement are more than appreciated.  

Lots of Love,

Tata EE

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